Monday, January 4, 2010

Talking in a Recession

An recent newspaper article points out that for some reason homicides were down in Wilmington last year. Partially that's comforting news. I always like it when murderers take a break from killing for a while.
But the part that's troubling is the why? Why are homicide rates down? The story ponders the concept of good police work and better police tactics. That's a possibility. Maybe it's because citizens are taking back their streets. Or maybe the economy is taking its toll on the illegal drug business. Another option is that we're taking more responsibility for our children, and becoming better, more attentive parents.
I'd like to think that if there's one good thing that's come out of this recession it's that people are tightening their family budgets and finding more creative ways to do things together with limited resources. Our teens aren't spending as much time away from home and we as the primary influencers in their lives are taking the time to dig deeper about what they are thinking and doing.
So when we talk about why homicide rates have dropped, don't leave out the possibility that maybe we're raising smarter children, who are making better decisions about life.

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