Friday, September 17, 2010

The Kids Are Alright - (Not!)

After several wins by candidates backed by the Tea Party movement, it's become clear to me that the kids are not alright. The Tea Party movement claims it's main focus is to reduce spending by Big Government. That's great. And it would be an even greater idea were we not in a recession.
The Obama administration has been doing what it can to stimulate an economy to create jobs to put people back to work, keep jobless benefits available for those still trying to find work, keep food on the table at local food pantries for families struggling to make ends meet, and keep local healthcare benefits on the table for the working poor.
There's more to the spending strategy than the Tea Party supporters are allowing themselves to see right now. If we are going to turn the mid-term November elections around to make sure help for our fellow human being is there when they really need it, we as a people need to not be complacent with the success of 2008.
We need to bring the momentum from 2008 back around to the mid-term election since our work is not done. Otherwise the kids will not be alright.