Thursday, August 27, 2009

Itsy, Bitsy, Teeny, Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

When I first read the latest news from some of the airlines that they will be increasing fees for checking bags, I was outraged. We already pay for a bag that weighs more than 50 lbs., which is an easy fee for any women to rack up if she has more than one pair of shoes with her. We pay for peanuts and in some cases, we pay for sodas and pillows - as my friend says paying for sleep.
"Airlines are fighting for scraps here. These are penny ante policies that often catch consumers by surprise," said Joe Schwieterman, transportation expert at DePaul University in Chicago. "It's made traveling with two bags punitive for many flyers."
I agree with Schweiterman - this is just ridiculous. I believe airlines, like U.S. Air, are about to wake up to a sad reality- they've lost their customers. Other airlines are popping up and willing to pick up the slack - offering affordable fares and no bag fees. On the other hand, this could be just the reprieve some small media company employees need to get a break when traveling.
For example, my old employer used to make his staff carry back all of our press material - tomes of paper- with us on the plane. We had a booth bag of supplies and a second press bag in addition to a portable booth. The staff always moaned and groaned about having to be responsible for a second item to check. Now with the airline fees, that employer may decide to let Brown take over.
If not, I go bakc to my first thought, it's a bane for travelers - those traveling for work and play. at this rate the only thing we women will be able to fit in our bags is that cute little bikini that's totally inappropriate for a tradeshow. So what's next?

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Long & Short of It

The Obamas have started their family vacation in New England. Outside of the fact that our first family will never be far from our hearts, minds and laptop screens, the real news here is not that the president will receive daily briefings on world affairs, but the fact that Michelle Obama chose to go long in descending Air Force one this time around, lest she be criticized for wearing shorts on her family vacation.
The last time the Obamas vacationed this summer Mrs. O chose to go casual - very casual. But maybe after so much scrutiny over her choice in shorts over slacks or even a skirt, Michelle Obama today chose a dress.
I'm still not sure what all of the fuss was about? was it the fact that Michelle is not 20-something and chose to show a little leg or is it really that she committed a first lady fashion faux pas? If I were Michelle, I'd be focused on what clothes were right for my body type- as her shorts seemed to fit her well - and what will these photos tell my girls years from now.
I think it's this last option that will have the most profound effect on our American pysches. So for right now, I agree with our Pres. - everybody should chill out and enjoy the rest of their summer.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Paying for Pirates

There was a recent article about the recent find of the Federalist papers recently put up for auction. These historic and lifechanging documents reminded me of the strong passion and values our forefathers argued for--FREEDOM.
Oddly enough this single words brings me to another topic making news headlines: Somali pirates. Everyone not living under ground knows about the unending barrage of assaults on our American/American ally ships by the Somali pirates. Outside of the successful retrieval of the Maersk, many more lumbering tankers and unsuspecting crew have met the business end of AK-47s. Think about the odds: firehoses against assault rifles. To that I wonder where are the Blackhawks and teams of commandos hiding in empty oil drums.
But no. Insurance companies would rather risk the ship, and more importantly, the crew's lives and the lives of loved ones left behind--and pay the ransom for a kidnapping rather than put that money into trained assult crews.
So this brings me back to our forefathers. Insurance companies would rather risk the freedom of hard working individuals, than pay to adequately insure it. While sailing unpredictable waters, I would sleep better at night knowing that my husband/brother/friend's freedom is not left to the odds that he will/will not be captured, but instead his right to life is backed up by more than a squirt of water.

It's A...

My friend is pregnant - due in the next couple of weeks. My husband and her husband are childhood friends so we went to visit them a few weeks ago for their baby shower. At dinner the night before the shower, I asked my friend if she's had strange people walking up to her wanting to touch her belly. To that she replied. "Nope." I, being naturally curious, wondering if people have suddenly developed a sense of personal space, said, "Really?" in a tone laced with great surprise.
She, in turn jokingly remarked, "Nope, I think they think I'm just really fat." Now my friend is a plus-sized woman, clearly comfortable with who she is. But I was reminded of her remark when I opened up Yahoo! News today and saw the headline about the South African sprinter, Caster Semenya, whose gender appears to be undecided - or rather unconfirmed.
Unconfirmed for the media and possibly for South African sports officials. At first read this morning, I thought, "that's awful. How could people de-womanize her?' Then I saw the photo. Then I saw her/his name. So we've got a gender neutral name like Caster, and a face that screams wo/man and I'm left rubbing my chin.
The parents say that's their little girl. I say there is proof, like the ultrasound picture my friend sent around of her little girl. That way everyone knew whether or not to buy pink or blue. No ultrasound? I would offer the high heels test, but any self respecting Tran-y can pull that feat off. Or ask if she likes pink or blue? That question is loaded, because my husband has several pinks shirts...and I can confirm his gender. I'm running out of tests...except for the one that apparently could send this fast-as-lighting sprinter over the edge - drop 'em.