Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it Snow

I actually like snow. However, it feels kinda weird getting 12+ inches of snow in Delaware. I've always kinds felt like the snow line ended when you crossed the Delaware River. Like Washington. That famous photo of our first President leading our regiments to victory.
But alas, it has come down to one of those rare occasions when I'm wrong. And we're up to our wigwams in snow. Not to be thwarted by the fluffy white stuff, I ventured out to the Christiana mall this a.m. My cabin fever sets in early and apparently quite fast. So I ventured down I-95 and got my fill of anonymous companionship from the other brave souls, game for a few last minute pre-Christmas deals.
And for my last hurrah, I returned home and snuggled up on my sofa with my trusty laptop.
Let it snow...