Saturday, August 22, 2009

Paying for Pirates

There was a recent article about the recent find of the Federalist papers recently put up for auction. These historic and lifechanging documents reminded me of the strong passion and values our forefathers argued for--FREEDOM.
Oddly enough this single words brings me to another topic making news headlines: Somali pirates. Everyone not living under ground knows about the unending barrage of assaults on our American/American ally ships by the Somali pirates. Outside of the successful retrieval of the Maersk, many more lumbering tankers and unsuspecting crew have met the business end of AK-47s. Think about the odds: firehoses against assault rifles. To that I wonder where are the Blackhawks and teams of commandos hiding in empty oil drums.
But no. Insurance companies would rather risk the ship, and more importantly, the crew's lives and the lives of loved ones left behind--and pay the ransom for a kidnapping rather than put that money into trained assult crews.
So this brings me back to our forefathers. Insurance companies would rather risk the freedom of hard working individuals, than pay to adequately insure it. While sailing unpredictable waters, I would sleep better at night knowing that my husband/brother/friend's freedom is not left to the odds that he will/will not be captured, but instead his right to life is backed up by more than a squirt of water.

1 comment:

  1. Being three steps to the right of Genghis Khan, I will give my short answer to this whole mess.
    AK47's aren't much good against a MA Deuce
    (read .50 Calibre machine gun).
    Happiness is a belt fed weapon!
